
Foredrag om dansk humor/Talk about Danish humour

Start 04.04.2025
Lessons 2
Event no.: 09010-25
Price DKK 0

Scroll down for English description

Et foredrag om dansk humor fra middelalderen til i dag
Vores egen underviser, Marie Hougaard Jakobsen, gennemgår den danske satiretraditions historie.

Hun starter ved vores vikingeforfædre og går videre op gennem tiden til satiren efter grundlovens og ytringsfrihedens indførelse. Hun slutter ved dansk humor, som vi kender den i dag.

Med udgangspunkt i aktuelle eksempler taler vi i anden halvdel af foredraget om, hvad dansk humor er i dag. Hvordan opleves dansk humor fra en tilflytters perspektiv?

Foredraget er på engelsk og dansk.

Det er gratis, men du skal tilmelde dig på forhånd.

Det foregår:
Fredag den 4. april 2025 kl. 16.00-17.30
Studieskolen, Borgergade 12, 1. sal
Nogle dage før foredraget sender vi dig en SMS med det præcise lokale.

Bemærk venligst, at denne begivenhed er for vores danskkursister.

Talk about Danish humour from the Middle Ages to the present day

Our own teacher, Marie Hougaard Jakobsen, reviews the history of Danish satire. She begins with our Viking ancestors and moves through history to the satire that emerged after the introduction of the constitution and freedom of speech. She concludes with Danish humour as we know it today.

In the second half of the talk, we talk about what Danish humour is today based on current examples, and about how is it experienced from the perspective of a non-Dane.

The talk is in English and Danish.

It is free, but you have to sign up in advance.

It takes place:
Friday 4 April 2025 from 16:00 to 17:30
Studieskolen, Borgergade 12, 1st floor
We will send you a text message a few days before the event with the exact room number.

Please note that this event is for our Danish language students.

Marie Hougaard Jakobsen

Marie recommends:
Do you have a favourite place in Copenhagen?
"My favourite place in Copenhagen is Søndermarken and Orangeriet at Bakkehuset. Here, you can enjoy a delicious ’rejemad’ (bread topped with prawns) in historical surroundings, and in Søndermarken, you can feel surrounded by trees and tranquillity in the heart of the city. These are two historical places in Copenhagen where thinkers and writers have gathered, taken walks, and contemplated.

Who’s your favourite Danish writer?
"I love reading books, and I like reading books by Danish writers. My favourite authors are Helle Helle and Herman Bang, both of whom write in a minimalist and social-realistic style, although they write in and about different centuries. I also enjoy Hans Scherfig, Maren Uthaug, Stine Pilgaard, and Thomas Korsgaard, all of whom write humorously and lightly."

Danish books Marie recommends:

  • ’Det forsømte forår’ by Hans Scherfig
  • ’Hafni fortæller’ by Helle Helle
  • ’Meter i sekundet’ by Stine Pilgaard
  • ’Hvor der er fugle’ by Maren Uthaug
  • ’Hvis der skulle komme et menneske forbi’ by Thomas Korsgaard
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Foredrag om dansk humor/Talk about Danish humour
