
A2.2 Kinesisk for let øvede

Thursday February 8
DKK 2,640
Reduced price
DKK 2,440
Start 08.02.2024
Period 08.02.2024 to 13.06.2024
Lessons 34
Course no.: 3570-24
Teacher cand.mag. Ask Ryding-Hernæs
Location Borgergade 12, 1. sal
Room 108
Time Thu 19:15 - 20:55
Price DKK 2,640
Reduced price DKK 2,440
Time Thu 19:15 - 20:55

Tal, læs og skriv kinesisk på din rejse, dit arbejde eller dit studie
Dette kursus bygger videre på Kinesisk for let øvede (A2.1), men er også for dig, der på anden vis har lært kinesisk på tilsvarende niveau. På kurset lærer du at tale et mere sammenhængende og nuanceret kinesisk, du lærer flere tegn, og du bliver vant til både at læse og skrive sætninger med kinesiske tegn.

Du lærer bl.a. at

  • få nogen til at gøre noget (imperativ)

  • sige, at nogen er god til noget og give andre komplimenter

  • tale om rejser, du har været på og andre ting i fortiden

  • fortælle, hvad du og andre laver lige nu

  • tale om fremtiden på kinesisk

Du kommer længere med de kinesiske tegn
Nu kan du så meget, at du kan læse små tekster med kinesiske tegn. Du lærer flere tegn og bygger videre på din viden om radikaler, så du nemmere kan afkode nye tegn og slå dem op. Du øver også at skrive sætninger og små tekster med kinesiske tegn.

Hvordan foregår timerne?
Undervisningen er en blanding af klasseundervisning og gruppe- og pararbejde. Vi fokuserer både på, at du lærer at tale og skrive kinesisk og vi bruger tid på lytteøvelser, situationsbaserede dialoger og øvelser med rytme og tryk i sproget.

Få samlet overblik over kurset og materialerne
Du får adgang til Moodle, der er vores online læringsplatform. Her har du et samlet overblik over hele kurset. Du har også kontakt med de andre kursister, og I kan tale om, hvad der sker på holdet. På Moodle kan du:

  • se planen over hele kurset, de enkelte undervisningsgange og hjemmearbejde

  • se undervisningsmaterialer, også ekstra materialer

  • kommunikere med din underviser og dine medkursister

  • følge med og indhente det forsømte, hvis du er fraværende i løbet af kurset

Praktiske oplysninger
Lærebog: HSK 2 Standard Course, ISBN 9787561937266. Du kan fx købe den på

Vi arbejder med kapitlerne 9-15 i bogen, samt ekstramateriale udleveret af læreren.

Kurset passer til dig, hvis du er færdig med A2.1 Kinesisk for let øvede, eller hvis du på anden vis har lært nok kinesisk til at kunne starte på kurset.

Forberedelsestid: ca. 2 timer om ugen.
Der er 10-16 kursister på holdet.

Ask Ryding-Hernæs

Ask teaches Danish as well as Chinese.

Ask says: ”I teach Danish as well as Chinese - my mother tongue is Danish, and I have studied Chinese at university. Studying Chinese has given me a keen understanding of what it's like to learn a foreign language and get to know a different culture.”

For Danish, Ask recommends:
”One of my favourite places in Copenhagen is the Glyptotek. I am interested in art, and I go there to draw the beautiful scupltures. It is worth a visit. I also recommend seeing sculptures outside. Some good places are the King's Garden, Ørstedsparken and Hans Tavsens Park.
I live on Nørrebro, which I am very fond of. It has all kinds of shops, restaurants and many different people from different parts of the world. You can take a walk in Assistens Cemetery and visit the graves of Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard in pretty surroundings, and then walk up Blågårdsgade and have a cup of coffee - or look for interesting clothes shops on Elmegade.
Danish books Ask recommends:
"Kongens Fald by Johannes V. Jensen - a classic, historical novel about Denmark in the 1500s.
The graphic novels Valhalla by Peter Madsen - very impressive comic books about the Norse gods (can be read by children and adults alike!).”

About his experiences with Chinese, Ask says:
"I studied Chinese Studies at university, and I have taught Chinese to university students, children and adults. I personally was most fascinated by the Chinese characters, the cultural differences and the enormous momentum in China as a country. I have spent two years combined living in and travelling around China - and my journey never ends. The country is so vast, there is always a new place to visit.
I love communicating the language and I have a love for the written characters and their development.
I am interested in the politics, language and culture of China. When you learn a language from a culture on the other side of the planet, it also makes you view your own language and culture in a new way. I find that to be one of the most interesting aspects."

For Chinese, Ask recommends:
The Great Wall of China: You can visit the most popular place, Badaling, where the wall has been restored, but you can also visit Simatai if you are up for a hike. This part of the wall has not been restored, and you can walk in beautiful surroundings and get some good exercise.
Visit Xi’an and see the Qin Emperor's terracotta warriors!
Experience the bustling life of Beijing and experience history by visiting Mao Zedong's mausoleum.

Outry by Lu Xun, the most famous writer in China from the beginning of the 20th century.
The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin, even Barack Obama has read it. A modern science fiction novel about aliens and science with references to more recent Chinese history.
Daodejing, also known as Tao Te Ching - en small book with a lot of depth.
The collected conversations of Confucius were recently published in a Danish translation. The thoughts of this ancient philosopher is one of the most important foundations in Chinese culture and society.

To Live (Huozhe) by director Zhang Yimou follows a Chinese family through China's modern history.
Red Sorghum (film version of the novel by Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan).
Ip Man (a genuine kung fu romp).

You are garanteed taste sensations whether you visit the local noodle joint or the most expensive restaurant. Every province has its specialties. My favourite is food from Sichuan Province - spicy and powerful food. You can always find food in China, just let your tastebuds guide you!

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A2.2 Kinesisk for let øvede

8 February - 13 June
