
Find your language level

How good is your language? When you know your level, you will be able to find a course at the right level and our language advisers can easily help you. You can take our online test in Danish, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Spanish and Swedish.

The test is a combination of two methods: self-assessment, where you assess your own skill-level, and a standard test, where you choose the correct answer.

The test assesses "grammar and vocabulary", "reading skills" and "listening skills". "Oral" and "written" skills will not be assessed online – just the self-assessment.

Each section of the test starts with a self-assessment – here you assess how good your language is in particular situations. Based on this evaluation, the test will then take you to the appropriate level you will be tested at.

Log on to the test
Before you can take the test you must register with your name and email, so we can send you the test results direct to your email.

  • Fill out the boxes with your full name and email address.
  • Click “Start the test”.
  • We will send an email with a link to the language test. If you have not received our email, please check your spam folder.
  • Activate the link in your email. Once you have done this, you will have 48 hours to access the test.
  • Follow the test instructions on the screen
  • Once you have completed the test, please press "send to email" in order to receive an email with your result. The result will also be sent to Studieskolen.

How long does the test take?
The test will take between ½ hour and 1 ½ hours. You can stop the test and log in again to finish it at a later date.

How do you get your result?
When you have completed the test, your result will show on the screen and you will receive an e-mail with the result.

The test is run in accordance with the Common European Framework Reference for Languages. The result will show your current level in relation to the reference framework and in relation to the level of Studieskolen's courses.

If you cannot find a suitable course, please don't hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

Find your level

Take our online language test - when you know your level you can enroll in the right course.

Click here