Learn Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian at the Study School in Copenhagen. The courses are suitable for everyone, whether you want to learn Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian.
Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian are practically the same language with slight regional differences. That is why it was formerly called Serbo-Croatian. The teacher will explain the differences so you can adapt your language to the area you are interested in.
We emphasise that you learn to speak right from the first lesson. That is why we practise a lot of conversation in class.
In all classes we use the Latin letters, but if you are interested in learning the Cyrillic alphabet, the teacher can help you with that.
At each course, it is described quite precisely what we do and what you learn. You can also see how much you need to know to keep up.
In our Serbian classes, you need to be able to understand basic Danish, as instructions are given in Danish.
Information about Serbian classes is mainly in Danish.