Do you have a favourite place in Copenhagen?
”My favourite place in Copenhagen is Nørrebroparken. This park has room for all kinds of outdoor life, barbecues, football and walks. It has room for dogs as well as humans. On warm days, people get together to drink wine and have barbecues on the grass, and in the dog yard you can chat over a cup of coffee while the dogs play with each other.
There is also room for a football field where the club Nørrebro United belongs.”
Who is your favourite Danish writer?
”My favourite writer is Svend Aage Madsen. His brain makes the most wonderfully odd connections, making everything unpredictable. His writing is always surprising and quirky. Following him in his stories means getting on a rollercoaster that suddenly leaves the ground. You always land in a different place than you expected.”
Annemette Beich
We have asked our teachers to recommend a place, some Danish music or a Danish artist. This is what Annemette recommends.