Do you have a favourite place in Copenhagen?
”Denmark doesn’t have any mountains, and I know that can be disappointing. However, you can still get a little above ground level in Copenhagen – for example at the Zoo on Frederiksberg, which has a tower with a good view, as has the Church of Our Saviour on Christianshavn.
In the more exotic corner, there is also a refuse incineration plant that you can climb on top of – namely Copenhill.”
Do you have a favourite place outside of Copenhagen?
”Outside of Copenhagen, I recommend visiting the Forest Tower (’Skovtårnet’) on southern Zealand or going for a walk among the treetops at Egeskov Castle on Funen.
In the picture, I’m walking through the forest toward the Forest Tower in my snowsuit (‘flyverdragt’), which is wonderful protection against the wet cold of Danish winters.”
Ina Sophia Ring
We have asked our teachers to recommend a place, some Danish music or a piece of Danish music. It could also be a Danish writer or artist. This is what Ina recommends.