Do you have a favourite place in Copenhagen?
“One of my favourite places in Copenhagen is Assistens Kirkegård, next to where I live. Find a patch of grass or a bench and sit down and enjoy the peace, the people passing by, the trees, the flowers, the interesting headstones and the distant sounds of the city outside – I like to think that the dead enjoy our company when we drop by!”
Do you have a favourite place outside Copenhagen?
“When I am in the area, I like to visit Hesnæs Strand on Falster to take a swim on this ‘secret’ beach (a car is highly recommended to get you there).”
Who is your favourite Danish writer?
“If you are on the southern islands, then bring with you a collection of Emil Aarestrup's poems; he used to work in Nysted as a doctor, and in his spare time write beautiful poems – that were only discovered after his demise.”
Søren Krarup
We have asked our teachers to recommend a place, some Danish music or a Danish artist. This is what Søren recommends.