
Vognmagergade 8 (KVUC)

At Vognmagergade we mainly teach foreign languages, Danish Education and FVU.

Find your way

The nearest S-train: Nørreport Station on Nørre Voldgade. Walking distance: approx. 7 minutes.

Nearest Metro: Kongens Nytorv and Marmorkirken. Walking distance: approx. 7 minutes.

See bus schedules and timetables here.

There is (limited) parking in Gothersgade (se prices here).

Find your classroom
The classroom number is to be understood as follows:

  • the first number indicates the floor
  • the second and third numbers indicate the room number.

Room 425 is therefore on the fourth floor, room number 25.

If your class is on the ground floor, it is easiest to use the entrance in Lønporten.
If your class is at one of the other floors, it is easiest to use the main entrance in Vognmagergade 8 and then take the elevator or stairs.

Find Studieskolen at Vognmagergade

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