
CBS students learn Danish and build their network at Studieskolen

August 25, 2023

This week Studieskolen has helped nearly 100 students from CBS get off to a good start. The students are going to study one semester at CBS in Copenhagen. During one week of Danish 'Crash Course' at Studieskolen, they learned their first Danish words and started to build their own network in Denmark.

Susanne from Austria even says that she would recommend Studieskolen to anybody who needs to start creating a network and learning Danish! And Paris from Australia says that the Danish course at Studieskolen has helped her make friends.

When you ask the young people why they chose Copenhagen, they say that Denmark has a very nice work-life balance. Many of them also say that they could easily imagine working in Denmark some day.

And some have personal reasons for liking Denmark and Scandinavia. For example one of them has had a Danish friend since she was 5 years old. And another one has had a soft spot for the boy band Marcus and Martinus since she was a child, and has since become very fond of Scandinavia!