
Camilla Syhler

We have asked our teachers to recommend a place, some Danish music or a Danish artist. This is what Camilla recommends.

What is your favorite place in Copenhagen?
"I love communal dining in Folkehuset Absalon in Vesterbro. Absalon is an old church that was converted into a cultural and community centre in 2015. The founder is Lennart Lajboschitz, who is also the owner of the international store chain Tiger. I like Absalon because it's a good place to meet new people. In addition, there are many fun, creative activities in Absalon every week. In addition to communal dining, you can go to yoga, bingo, table tennis, concerts, films, lectures etc.

If you want to experience Copenhagen from above, I can also recommend visiting the Tower at Christiansborg. Here there is a really beautiful view of the whole city, and it is completely free to visit."

Who is your favorite Danish author?
"I am quite excited about the Greenlandic author Niviaq Korneliussen, who has written the novel Blomsterdalen, among other things. Niviaq's novels are exciting because they are about the relationship between Denmark and Greenland and the challenges many young Greenlanders face when they move to Denmark to study or work."