
Ole Nedergaard Thomsen

We have asked our teachers to recommend a place, some Danish music or a Danish artist. This is what Ole recommends.

Do you have a favourite place in Copenhagen?
"I live in Islands Brygge and love the Havneparken (the harbour park) and Havnebadet (the harbour bath) there. Taking a stroll along the waterfront and canals, for example to The Opera House on Holmen or to The Royal Theatre (The Old Stage) at Kongens Nytorv, is worth it – go inside and see the places and perhaps enjoy the music and ballets! Or walk to The Royal Playhouse and experience a play (in Danish). The buildings themselves are also worth experiencing.
You can also walk to the Black Diamond (The Royal Library). Take the escalator inside and experience Per Kirkeby's magnificent ceiling painting. There are often exciting exhibitions there."