The six employees who have started training as language coaches work with Icelandic as a second language for adults. They come from different schools and work as teachers, counsellors and project managers, among other roles. They can all benefit from using language coaching in their work.
The Icelandic employees had their first two training days on February 6th-7th. And now follows a period where they will work with their new tools until May, when Stine Lema visits Símey again to complete the training.
The unique aspect of language coaching is that as a teacher/counsellor, you are equipped to conduct a conversation with the students that supports them in setting realistic goals and finding both motivation and new resources. By acquiring skills such as questioning techniques and active listening, you are prepared to use language coaching as a didactic tool in your work.
More about language coaching
Studieskolen also offers language coaching directly to students who are 'stuck' in their language learning.